The Schlössle Hotels are small but luxurious. Each hotel is a “Grand Hotel” in miniature, tucked away amidst the cobblestone streets of the romantic cities of Eastern Europe.
Elegance, comfort, sophistication and taste are the hallmarks of each individually designed hotel.
The hotels offer an environment of peace and tranquillity; a haven away from everyday cares and busy work schedules.
Schlössle Hotels are the perfect destination for those who appreciate the good things in life: fine dining, luxurious accommodation and pleasant conversation.
Schlössle Hotel in Tallinn
Exceptional service - endless possibilities
Nestled in the heart of Tallinn’s Old Town, the Schlössle is a delightful boutique hotel that will take you back to Estonia’s medieval past. The luxurious furnishings and the attentive staff ensure that you will have a memorable stay in this charming hotel.
Pühavaimu 13/15, 10123 Tallinn, Eesti
Telefon: +372 699 77 00
E-post: sch@schlossle-hotels.com
Registered office:
Schlössle Hotel Group AS
Pühavaimu 13/15, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia
VAT number: EE100530894
Grand Palace Hotel in Riga
Unraveling the enigmatic comfort
On pushing open the massive door of the Grand Palace Hotel in Riga, you may get the strange feeling that you are finally back home. The cozy ambience, combined with a fusion of traditional local and European elements, resonates with the romantic cultures of bygone eras.
Pils street 12, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Telephone:+371 6704 4000
E-mail: info@grandpalaceriga.com
Registered office:
Hotel Grand Palace ltd
Pils street 12, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
VAT number: LV40003378078